No. 9

Sometime I feel like the whole world is going to melt, and my face right along with it.  The palm trees can only do so much when you’re clinging to the edge of despair!  Even when the glistening waters of your popsicle shaped pool beckon you, even when you feel like Stevie Nicks is peering into your very soul, even then some things cannot be helped.

If I had a dollar for every AIDS victim I’ve given a dollar to, well, I’d be swimming in a pool of crisp green bills, let’s just say.  Tonight I attempted to host a Mexican dinner party, and while it had its moments of I-lost-my-mind-in-a-backyard-in-Acapulco magnificence, it did not go off without a hitch, like I’d so been hoping. 

The tacos were to die for, the pinata was extraordinaire, and everyone wore their sombreros, but you-know-who brought along her psychic, and it was like bringing a walrus to a tea party.  Excruciating.  The alleged “psychic” was an incoherent, blathering woman that would not stop hounding people about how they would die.  It was like a forest fire out of control, even though I doubt a word of it was true- I doubt that she could predict that tomorrow is Sunday- and certainly Humphrey is not going to meet his end by wandering off a cliff in the Mojave desert.  (Poor him, he'll be terrified of cacti for weeks to come!)

The moral of the story is: next dinner party= no psychics, no mohair sweaters.